Wednesday, August 13, 2008


This is Ayelet (eye-ael-ate), one of the Israelis that Sunshine Community Development has been helping. She made aliyah (the imigration of a Jewish person to Israel) from the Ukraine just after her 17th birthday. Arriving in Israel all alone since her parents were not able to come at the that time, she stayed in an Israeli aliyah youth "camp" with other young Russians during her first year. There she was taught basic Hebrew as well as the customs of Israel. The camp was a very difficult time for her as she was alone and young.

Three years later, she now works in a stationary store for minimum wage, which is not really enough to pay rent and bills here. Israel will pay for her to go to college, but she does not have enough money for daily living expenses and must work. Ayelet would like a good job but, like many youth, she is not sure of the direction she should pursue. Sunshine CD helped her with transportation and food expenses this month. Thank you for your donations!

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