Saturday, July 5, 2008

Home Sweet Home

To my great pleasure, I am now living in my new house in the City of David! It's a month earlier than projected, and a much welcome transition after several unexpected moves. :) The City of David [Silwan] is comprised of 5,000 Muslim households, 36 Jewish households and 4 other households.

I'm learning the ropes here slowly but surely and it feels like home already. (More details on that to come!) I must confess, there is a bit of culture shock - the heat and noise here are unparalleled. The minarets broadcast quite loudly from every 15 minutes to every 4 or 5 hours day and night. There are 9 minarets within ear shot and sometimes they all air simultaneously. Needless to say, I'm not in Kansas anymore. ;) Shutting the windows is not an option due to the heat. The good news is I am finally able to sleep through some of it and have begun to experience peace and joy here. Thank you very much for all your support which makes this possible!

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